
We Cover Sports Blog
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We Cover Cheer

Check out our interviews we have done so far.  We have it seperated by sports, so just click on the link for the interviews. Want us to interview you as well?   Contact us at  all we ask is that you are/were associated with sports somehow.  Either by playing, cheering, dancing, coaching and so on.  The blue text is their answers.
We want to say thanks to Stephanie and Jovauna. They have gone out of their way to work with us.  I hope you enjoy all the interviews and keep checking back because we are adding more all the time.
Check out our special interviews with the Lady Lassos!  Click Here!

Basketball Interviews!

Cheerleaders/Dancers Interviews!

Football Interviews!

Gymnastics Interviews!

Softball Interviews!

Swimming Interviews!

Volleyball Interviews!