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We Cover Cheer

1. Name? Stephanie Filo-Jones

2. You just retired from the Denver Broncos, how long did you cheer for them? Just one year. I had tried out for the team before and made it to the finals but not made the team. I knew it was exactly where I wanted to be, so I worked hard and tried out again! There is no better NFL team!

3. What was it like cheering in front of over 75,000 Bronco fans? To put it into one word: INCREDIBLE. Broncos fans are really the best, craziest ones out there, and my favorite thing to do in the world is perform, so being able to integrate the two was an amazing experience (though a little overwhelming at that first game)!

4. Who is/was your favorite broncos player? Champ Bailey. Whether on or off the field, he always seems very vocal in supporting his team. I would imagine that his spirit helped build the amazing chemistry that the Broncos had this last season. Also, what a phenomenal player! That interception at the first playoff game against the Patriots was outstanding! Everyone at Invesco Field went wild!

5. What is the biggest myth surrounding cheerleaders? Most people assume that our job just requires us to sit there and look pretty. To make the Broncos squad, aside from being a talented dancer, a person needs to have good public speaking skills, know about football, and be very well-rounded. Everybody on the team is either a full-time college student, or has graduated from college and has a full-time career. Aside from that, the team does over 1,000 hours of charity work over the course of the season. And every member has to re-try out every year!

6. During the season, how many hours do the cheerleaders put in a week before game day? Every week, the team practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-10:30, aside from local charities and promotions which could add a few hours to that. On a game week, practices may run slightly longer, and on game days we have to be at the stadium 5 hours early for a field rehearsal.

7. What are your plans for the future? I hope to one day be a successful filmmaker, which is why I left the Broncos for this upcoming season. I am moving to Los Angeles soon to hopefully start working my way up in the business! I am also a writer and sometimes pretend to be an artist ;)

8. In high school, did you play any sports? If so which ones? I was on the Poms/Dance Team in high school, and also went to dance classes regularly. Dancing is the thing I love most in the world, so that has always taken up a majority of my free time.

9. Do you watch any sports? If so which ones? Any favorite teams?
The Denver Broncos are obviously my favorite sports team, but other than that I like watching basketball, competitive dance and gymnastics. I also like watching the Manchester United soccer team - talk about intense fans! (I lived in West Africa when I was younger, so I became accustomed to soccer and tennis).

10. Fun question: If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be and why? Good question! I think I would make it so that everybody in the world has to learn at least one other language as well as a bit about world politics. There will never be such a thing as world peace, but that would be a great way to pacify a lot of problems that currently exist!