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We Cover Cheer

1. Online I saw you were on a swim team. What swim team were you on?  i swim on the skyview high school.

2. Are you currently in school? If so, still swimming? 
yes im in school still and the swim team is over for the season but i will continue to swim.

3. Give us your best experience on the swim team.
 i have meet the greastest people and i haved learned how to swim like an pro

4. Give us your worst experience on the swim team.
diving off an diving board and doing a belly flop

5. Which team is more competative, a swim team or a diving team?
 a swim team but also on my team the diving people were on the swim team

6. Did you play any other sports? If so, which ones?
 ya i play other sports only if you count mud wreastling

7. Do you like to watch sports? If so, which ones and any favorite teams?  i do not watch sports

8. How do you like living in Denver?
 i love living in denver i was born here go broncos

9. Do you plan on staying in the Denver area?
 i will always live in denver

10. Fun question, what is one thing in the world you would change and why?  uummm i dont know i would change the war thing cause i have family in the war andi want them home